Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Misty Isle

Skye - It's all about the mountains

When we arrived it was raining. The next day, it was raining. We drove around trying to imagine what the mountains looked like. Not a very successful day. But - the next day! Wow! Truly awesome!

The Quiraing. Possibly the most unique looking mountains I have ever seen.

A Grand Designs moment - Kevin followed the building of this small house on Skye. The same two women still own it and now run a small cafe in the studio on the right. 
We saw these and many other mountains from the car. No walking required.
The Old Man of Storr
The Black Cuillins - dark in colour because they are made from gabbro rock.
Just on the other side of the same valley are the Red Cuillins, made of pinkish granite. We stayed in a hostel among the trees beside the white house. Stunning location.
Yes, back in a shared dorm room for three nights, but those views! And the alternatives were all horrendously expensive. Skye is such a popular tourist destination. It is an island but there is a bridge from the mainland so it is easy to drive there. The car parks at The Quiraing and The Old Man of Storr were overflowing, as were the restaurants and cafes in the main town of Portree when we went there for lunch on the raining day. We made our own sandwiches amd thermos tea for the clearer day of mountain sightseeing.

Skye is also known for its weather - rain, fog and wind. Compare these views from the hostel. When we arrived:
 When we left:
There is a reason they they call Skye  "The Misty Isle" 

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