Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 3 - Stairway to heaven and the garden of eden

Day 3 - Kings Canyon - even more sensational and stunning than Kata Tjuta or Uluru

All on the tour agreed that Kings Canyon was even more spectacular than Kata Tjuta or Uluru. The sights just seemed to get better and better as each new day dawned. Interesting thing is that Annabelle told us that even when she does the tour in the opposite direction, people say the same thing. So regardless of whether Kings Canyon or Uluru is last, it seems that the last site visited always seems the most impressive.

We climbed up the stairway to heaven and then walked around the top of Kings Canyon.

Today's Annabelle Aboriginal story involved a kangaroo trying to dig a short cut through a mountain range while his brother, the sensible one, continued on the journey around the mountain range. The silly kangaroo brother finally gave up his folly and followed his brother, leaving the canyon behind.

I do like heights and standing on the edges of cliffs.

The same cliff seen from the opposite side of the canyon. Look closely and you will see little tiny people on the top.

You could so easily get lost wandering among the beehive domes. People have become disoriented and lost here, and people have died here. Fascinating geological features.

We descended into the Garden of Eden for morning tea - so tranquil and cool, peaceful and protected.

Following a BBQ lunch we embarked on the most gruelling drive of the tour - four hours mostly on dirt, much of it corrugated. Sure shakes the bones and stomach. The terrain became more hilly, with curved escarpments and more vegetation. We saw wild horses and cattle and an upturned green station wagon - not a good place to have an accident, a long way from anywhere. I was lucky to score the front seat on the bus for this drive - thanks everyone!
We arrived at our campsite at Glen Helen just on sunset - another spectacular place!

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