Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Norway - part 3

Wow, the wow continues. 
After a sumptious breakfast on our hotel we walked up the peaceful valley to the little Flam church, passing homes, and barns.

Returning via the Brekkenfoss waterfall. Impressive.

View to the fjord at Flam from near the wayerfall.
A cute and curios local baby.
Trolls are part of local mythology.
The earlier Flam train passed as we walked.

The museum housed a previous engine from 1944.
We lined up early to be sure of getting a window seat in the old-fashioned carriage.
Some stats. 20 kms, 2 hours, lots of tunnels and an elevation gain of almost 900m. One of the tunnels does a spiral inside a mountain to achieve the climb.

My photos, taken through the windows, do not do justice to the epic nature of the scenery 

The train made a short stop with each end of the train inside tunnels. We all piled off to take photos of a powerful waterfall.
Music began. And then ethereal singing from a female voice. A woman in a flowing red dress appeared, dancing on the hillside and around the ruined building. She was the huldra, a temptress luring men into the mountains.
Mountain accommodation on the high plateau, patches of snow and a glacier, hikers and bikers.
Cold and wet and bleak at Mryndal station where we changed to the train to Oslo.

More alpine terrain.

As the train descended, the trees returned, growing ever taller until we returned to the rolling hills and farmland to spend our final night in Oslo.

Next stop - Switzerland!

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